How Effective Learner Support Can Improve Outcomes in Employee Training Programs
Posted by Des Sinkevich on November 21, 2017
In-depth employee training and education is necessary for almost every industry. Well-trained employees will benefit your company long-term by being confident and skilled in their positions. Employees who are confident in their level of training and skill, who know that they are working toward a fulfilling career with opportunity for growth, are more likely to stay. Lower turnover rates can improve productivity, productivity, and product quality. Offering comprehensive training courses to your employees can translate into more profit in the long term and a more positive workforce in the immediate future.
When aiming to provide the in-depth skills training your employees need, you will often have to outsource pieces of the training process, including online skills training. Though skilled managers and hiring personnel can lay down a framework of company policies and procedures, setting new & tenured employees up for success often requires lessons that focus more on acquiring skill than memorizing rules. Having an understanding of company policies and procedures gives a new hire a clear framework to follow while finding their footing in your company; this is necessary to make sure your people have a clear starting point. But, in order to retain skilled, ambitious, hard-working employees, you need to provide a path forward. This is where a skilled education and workforce training company comes in.
A strong, skills-focused curriculum and a flexible online learning system will benefit most new employees; they're able to study and train on their time while still becoming comfortable with their new role in your company. While employees can benefit from the flexibility of self-paced training, it's important that they stay engaged with the content, or they may lose motivation. This is where effective learner support can come in, ultimately improving outcomes for those in the training program.
Effective learner support will include, but isn't limited to, services such as motivational coaching, goal-setting tools, and access to dedicated educators. Coaching will address issues that often plague the online learner when they are unable to immediately grasp a new concept, and can help them stay motivated and on-track to complete the program. Meanwhile, in-program tools can help your student set reasonable learning goals, while experienced instructors can provide a level of expertise and familiarity with the training materials to help learners progress through the program. In conjunction, these methods will provide your enrolled employees with a comprehensive, practical education that will benefit your company over time while giving the employee the comfort of knowing they have opportunity to grow with your company.
Incentivizing trainees is often not enough to motivate them to complete their studies. To ensure you fully realize the results of a well-trained and educated staff, investing in online training programs that both teach the practical skills your employees need and are coupled with a strong support network will be vital. You don't have time to micromanage your staff. But knowing that you have available and experienced learner support for your trainees can ensure that, not only do they complete the training program, but that they are confident in their skills and abilities.