Physical Therapy Aide
Physical Therapy Aide Training for Your Employees
Skilled physical therapy aides are a benefit to any practice, allowing your business to take on more client appointments. Equip your staff with online physical therapy aide training to help grow your business while providing a career path for dedicated workers.

What Your Learners Will Study:
- The importance of and techniques used in good customer service and effective communication between the aide, the physical therapist, and the patient.
- Common physical therapy techniques including the use of heat and cold modalities, and their effects on the body.
- Medical terminology related to body systems and physical disorders in order to communicate accurately with patients and colleagues.
- The importance of a safe health care environment, including potential hazards and fall prevention.
Online Physical Therapy Aide Training Curriculum
- 5 courses
- 16.3 CEUs
- 10 exams
- Optional work experience
Penn Foster’s Physical Therapy Aide Training curriculum is designed with job-readiness in mind, preparing workers to build the essential skills needed as therapy aides. Online courses include:
- Body Systems Terminology
- Physical Therapy Treatments
- Exercise and Mobility Training
- Customer Service
Our Partners
Our Proven Training Model
Online Delivery
Engaging Content
Robust Support
Real World Credentials
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